📱 VeriFLY
Adaptable, real-time digital credentials allow users seamless, touch-free transactions. Users have countless ways to acquire, verify, and assert credentials needed for services—proof of age, business membership, citizenship, health status, travel reservations, and so much more.
đź’ł VeriFLY Checkpoint
The “smarter” digital ID that’s flexible and adaptable by design, allowing businesses to build a sophisticated authorization process that meets their unique and evolving specifications. The VeriFLY platform allows a digital ID to enable the business transformation of a user’s journey and enhanced safety and streamline operations.
🖥️ VeriFLY Services
Assert your digital identity and passes in the physical world through trusted, secure mobile and biometric authentications. Our design ensures the privacy of the individual and keeps the credentials and biometric data of the person on the device. Users have the ability to establish an identity and strongly assert that identity through the smart phone or biometric authentication.
đź““ IdentityX
Daon’s IdentityX® is the world’s most trusted digital identity platform, delivering seamless identity establishment and verification, Multi Factor Authentication, and recovery across all four corners of the customer experience. Designed for maximum flexibility, scalability and ease of integration, the IdentityX digital identity platform allows you to choose your own plug-and-play biometric modalities, vendors and algorithms, authentication factors and channels. Currently performing more than 100 million identity-related verifications across the world daily. https://www.daon.com/products/identityx-platform